We spend so much of our
time at work. And we factor in commute time, and the time it takes to regenerate ourselves after work, then hardly anything at all is left.
When we don’t like our job, we collect so many moments of boredom and frustration that it becomes almost impossible to shift the balance in our favor. It is
very hard to maintain a high ratio of positive to negative moments when we spend our days disliking what we do.
However, disking our jobs is all too common. A whooping 80% of people dislike theirs! If you are part of that 80%, don’t despair. There is much
hope. Smetimes, we feel that it is too late to dream a new dream or plan a new life. But think about how much time is still ahead of you!
If you start now, then a year from now, you will be so much further ahead. Believe in yourself, and trust your desires. Take your destiny into your own hands,
and go after your dreams!
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